Make a with AppleScript

Posted on 2019-11-05

Really like Go2Shell, it allows you to open a terminal window to the current directory in Finder by a simple click. But unfortunately it is incompatible with MacOS 10.15. After a week of “open Terminal”, “type 'cd '”, “drag directory into Terminal” and “press Enter”, I decide to build my own “Go2Shell”.


There may be many choices, Apple Script is the best for me. Simple and easy. What makes it easier is that before I figure out how to write AppleScript, I found the exact script I need from Alfred.


  • Export script as app use Script Editor.


  • Hold down the Command key and drag it to the toolbar.

  • Click my Go2Shell, a terminal window pop up with current directory. Done!

Custom App Icon

Right click the app, show contents. There is a file called applet.icns in Resources folder, replace it with what ever you want.